aqua guard aqua net
aqua guard pool cover

PVC Pool Cover – a lid for your pool

The Aqua-Guard PVC cover was introduced by Aqua-Net in 1994. The Aqua-Guard is a product which offers the user a number of benefits. Custom fitted to the pool, it stops 99% evaporation and enables the user to stop chlorinating the pool for periods of time. It allows for a drastic reduction in filtration time to as little as an hour per day. The Aqua-Guard will also prevent leaves, debris and dust from entering the pool. It is the perfect solution to minimize maintenance costs and to save on chlorine, water and electricity. It is not recommended as a safety cover.

The Aqua-Guard

Manufactured from PVC material, the cover is durable and acts as a physical lid for your pool. Available in a range of colors (dove grey, battleship grey, new beige and dark earth), it blocks out any sunlight. This prevents algae growth and allows for the reduction of chlorination and filtration. The Aqua-Guard is fitted, resting on the water and then secured to the paving surround. The majority of the material is lower than the surrounding paving. Due to the water supporting the material, it is possible for an adult to walk or stand on the cover.

pool cover south africa 1
solid pvc pool covers

Fitted to your pool

The Aqua-Guard is custom fitted to your pool

fitted pool cover
pvc pool covers

Stops 99% of evaporation

It stops evaporation and enables the user to stop the pool pump.

solar blanket cape town
solar blanket cape town


The Aqua-Guard Solid Pool Cover comes with a no-nonsense 3 year guarantee.

frequently asked questions

How much weight can the aqua-guard hold?

A crawling baby falling onto the Aqua-Guard will be supported off the water, but there is a risk of drowning in any water which may have collected on top of the cover. The cover will support the weight of an adult. It is NOT recommended as a safety cover. 

Is this cover safe for children?

It is NOT recommended as a safety cover. The cover is not under tension and as such it is possible for a child to crawl under or unhook the cover. The cover will also collect rain water, forming a pool of water which can pose a potential drowning hazard. A crawling baby falling onto the Aqua-Guard will be supported off the water, but there is a risk of drowning in any water which may have collected on top of the cover.

What are the components?

Anchor Plates

anchor plate net

The Aqua-Guard is fitted using fully adjustable self-locking anchor plates. They are manufactured from either stainless steel or glass-filled nylon. Glass filled nylon anchors are available in four different colours, terracotta, beige, grey and black.

anchor plate colors

The anchor plate is designed so that children cannot stub their toes or hurt their feet. It will not clog with dirt or dust.A superior anchor system to the simple “hole in the paving method”, it allows for the hooks to be locked in place and impossible for a small child to remove. Designed to last the lifespan of the product (5-6 years)


webbed edges net

The edges of the Aqua-Guard are finished with a knitted webbing edge. This protects the material from tearing. Brass eyelets are punched into the edging of the material to allow for a rope to be threaded around the perimeter of the cover. This rope allows the cover to be adjusted from loose to tight to make allowance for any water fluctuations.

Anchor System

hook bolt

Anchor system used where rocks or vertical walls are present. It is manufactured from stainless steel with a brass anchor.

Are you the cheapest?

As the market leaders we offer uncompromised quality and service.  As such we are by no means the cheapest option you will find, but we do believe we offer the best value for money.  You can expect product excellence, awesome service, meaningful guarantees and backup service you can rely on.

Prices for the Aqua-Guard range from R5000 to R15000. Click here to get a quote.

Why the 3 year guarantee?

As a company with a proud track record and history, we stand behind our products. We use the best materials available to manufacture the Aqua-Gaurd and are confident that the Aqua-Gaurd’s usable lifespan will far exceed the 3 year guarantee offered.

Is there technical info I should know?

The Aqua-Guard Solid PVC cover was introduced by Aqua-Net in 1994. The Aqua-Guard is a product which offers the user a number of benefits. Custom fitted to the pool, it stops 99% evaporation, enables the user to stop chlorinating the pool for long periods of time and allows for a drastic reduction in filtration time. The Aqua-Guard will also prevent leaves, debris and dust from entering the pool. It is the perfect solution to minimize maintenance costs and to save on chlorine, water and electricity. It is however not recommended as a safety cover.

The 600gram per square meter PVC material is durable and not prone to scuffing.

It totally blocks out any sunlight from entering the pool. This prevents algae growth and allows for the reduction of chlorination and filtration.

The Aqua-Guard is fitted, resting on the water and then secured to the paving surround. The majority of the material is lower than the surrounding paving. Due to the water supporting the material, it is possible for an adult to walk or stand on the cover.

It is NOT recommended as a safety cover. The cover is not under tension and as such it is possible for a child to crawl under or unhook the cover. The cover will also collect rainwater, forming a pool of water that can pose a potential drowning hazard. A crawling baby falling onto the Aqua-Guard will be supported off the water, but there is a risk of drowning in any water which may have collected on top of the cover.

The material’s edge is reinforced with 100mm woven webbing and two brass eyelets at each anchoring point. A 6mm polyethylene rope is fed through the eyelets around the cover in order to secure the cover to the anchors.

The rope allows for adjustment of the cover to accommodate any water level fluctuations.

NB: It is very important that the Aqua-Guard is always fitted touching the water. Failure to do so will result in the cover tearing or pulling up the paving in the event of water collecting on top of the cover.

When fitted, the Aqua-Guard prevents any sunlight from entering the pool. Algae needs sunlight to grow. As a result, it is possible to reduce chlorinating the pool to the barest minimum or to even stop altogether. This should not be undertaken permanently and it is important to monitor general pool water conditions regularly. Test the pool water and correct chemical requirements accordingly before entering or closing the pool.

It is possible to turn off the pool pump completely once the cover is fitted. Upon removal, the pool water will still be clear and usable. It is however recommended to run the pool pump for a minimum of one hour a day, to ensure that water remains circulating in the pool and filtration system.

If a Salt water chlorinator is in use, it is best to turn the chlorinator off when the Aqua-Guard is on the pool. Failure to do so will see chlorine levels concentrating in the pool, which will affect the chemical balance of the pool water and adversely affect the lifespan of the Aqua-Guard.

The expected lifespan of the cover is 5 to 6 years depending on usage during the course of any given year. Exposure to UV and chemicals result in the PVC material degrading over time.

Custom fitted to any shape or size pool or spa. Available in Blue or Black. 3 year guarantee.

aqua net pool cover colors

Is the Aqua-Guard easy to use?

The cover needs to be fitted and removed by 2 adults.

What is THE AQUA-GUARD made from?

It is manufactured from PVC material and available in blue, dove grey, battleship grey, new beige and dark earth.

What is the maintenance?

The Aqua-Guard does not require regular maintenance. There are however some important things to remember:

Never leave the cover off the pool in the sun for extended periods of time.

Dogs may chew the cover to drink water. Should this happen it is possible to repair the cover/webbing depending on the extent of the damage. A Dog repellent spray is available to assist in discouraging dogs from chewing the cover. Dogs/children running / playing on the cover may cause it to chafe on the pool coping. It is also possible that dog claws may puncture the material. Children / animals should not be allowed on the cover.

Water collecting on the cover should be removed especially if young children are present as the water poses a drowning risk. When the cover is in place, turn off the salt chlorinator if one is in use. Do not continue with normal chlorination of the water. If over chlorination occurs, remove the cover and leave off the pool for 3 – 4 days or until chlorine levels stabilise to 2-3ppm.

Glass filled nylon anchor plates can wear over time. Any plate that shows signs of wear should be replaced to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the cover. Stainless steel anchors can bend at the keyhole slots. Tap the keyhole slot back into position, if “wear” is apparent.

Rainwater collecting on the pool should be removed so that leaves and debris collecting on the cover do not become waterlogged and to minimise any potential drowning hazard. In order to remove the rainwater, either stand on the cover, forming a well point, where the water will collect. Making use of a bucket, scoop excess water off the cover. 

Alternatively, fit the pool cleaner hose into the hose socket, through the top of the weir. Set the pool pump to waste. Stand on the cover creating a well point and then use the hose to drain excess water off the cover. Be careful not to allow too much air into the pump/filter as this will cause air pockets and reduce suction. It will not be possible to remove every drop of water. Any remaining water will generally evaporate or can be mopped up. 

this is what the aqua-guard looks like

Want to see what the guard cover looks like? Here are pictures of the cover on lots of different pool sizes and shapes. We can fit the cover to any sized pool or pond.

This is how

Charles uses his aqua-guard

“I used to feel really nervous about how much water my pool was losing. I had to fill it up quite often and water is very expensive. I looked on Google for a pool cover that stops evaporation and came across Aqua-Net. I contacted them and thought their quote was fair, so I bought an Aqua-Guard.

I rarely have to top my pool up with water. Best thing I ever bought for my pool! 

Charles Stuart, Aqua-Net customer

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